
SALLY Titanium Kimblehook roller

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Expert opinion : The SALLY Goyo Aga bit is an extremely light titanium bit with a copper tongue and roller. The Goyo-Aga bit has a strong action as it is used with a curb chain, it puts pressure on the bars with a leverage effect on the neck. This bit and its copper roller are particularly suitable for horses that can pull a little on the bit, but are sensitive, stiff and have a poor grip. The tongue barrel creates space for the tongue. The combination of copper and titanium alloys allows the bit to be very well accepted by even the most sensitive or difficult horses. It works effectively to increase acceptance and regular contact. It is mainly used on horses with a lot of natural drive and can be used in 3 ways:

  • Soft, with the reins attached to the top notch, it is halfway between the effect of the olive bit and the baucher.
  • Severe, with the reins in the bottom notch, where the leverage is greater.
  • Medium, with the reins in the middle notch, where the leverage is less important than if you put the rein at the bottom. The curb chain, if it is more or less tight makes the bit more or less severe.


Size Barrel thickness Rings size
105 mm 12 mm 70 mm
115 mm 12 mm 70 mm
125 mm 14 mm 80 mm
135 mm 14 mm 80 mm
145 mm 14 mm 80 mm


Titanium : The titanium alloy has several advantages. First of all, it is an ultra-light bit that is soft to the touch, which makes it more discreet for the horse and therefore more comfortable. It helps to relieve tension in the cervical region. Titanium is relaxing, it promotes the production of saliva, which helps to relax the neck muscles. The titanium is covered with dioxide which makes it anti-bacterial.

Brand Fager Reference SALLYG

Technical sheet

Rings size 70mm, 80mm
Mouthpiece type plein
Thickness 12mm, 14mm
Weight 340g
Side pieces Kimblehook
Material Titanium, Copper
Mouthpiece A rouleaux, Double brisure, Passage de langue, Anatomique