
Full Cheek double jointed

Tax included



Full cheek bit: The most channelising bit, often used for young horses. This bit has a direct effect with no leverage action. The full cheek pieces are the best ones for channelling the horse. It is also the best for solving directional issues and it is perfectly adapted to young horses. This is a classic bit that we usually consider for young horse to start off as it is a proper starter bit to teach the horse the right communication channel. The double jointed bits are usually more comfortable for the horse which prevent pressure on the palate. A bit that should be in every stable !

Material: German silver: 65% copper, 23% zinc, 12% nickel, relaxing and solid alloy.

Brand Jump'in Reference 0020

Technical sheet

Rings size 50mm
Mouthpiece type plein
Thickness 17mm
Weight 300g
Side pieces Full cheek
Material Copper
Mouthpiece Double brisure